Roaring Brook Falls

  • Route 73, Keene Valley

Hike Features


Available parking at and near trailheads is limited and can fill quickly! The Lake Placid Hiker Shuttle offers easy parking at Marcy Field and free transportation to some of the most popular hikes in the high peaks. Visit Lake Placid Hiker Shuttle for additional information and to find the most up-to-date hiker shuttle map and schedule.

Roaring Brook Falls is visible from the road at a pull off, but now you can see it up close via a short hiking trail.

Getting there

Route 73, 3.3 miles South of the High Peaks sign in Keene Valley, and 5.6 miles North of the junction of Rts 9 & 73 in Underwood.


The 0.3 miles easy trail to the base of the falls is nearly flat. A trail left at a junction a few yards from the register leads to views from the top of the falls in 0.5 miles. Keep the river to the right and you will arrive at the base of Roaring Brook Falls. Slides from 1963 widened this site to the spectacular look it has today.


Proper footwear is a must, and trekking poles help negotiate some tricky parts of the trail. DO NOT GET TOO CLOSE IN WINTER. The ice creates dangerous conditions.