Klondike Notch

  • South Meadows Road, Lake Placid
  • info@lakeplacid.com

This steep trail ascends the shoulder of Phelps Mountain before topping out at Klondike Notch. One can descend the other side of the notch and arrive at Johns Brook Lodge in the Johns Brook Valley.

Getting there

Leave Lake Placid on Route 73, follow Route 73 toward Keene. Continue for about 3 miles to Adirondack Loj Road on the right. Follow Adirondack Loj Road to Meadows Lane on the left. Drive to the end of Meadows Lane to a parking lot.

In winter, park at the start of Meadows Lane near the boulders. From the Loj Road you will have to ski Meadows Lane for 1 mile to access the Klondike Notch Trail. The road starts out heading easily uphill before descending very gradually to the parking lot at the end of the road. The trail is to the back of the parking lot.

By the numbers

  • Elevation: 3,185 feet
  • Elevation gain: 2,175 feet
  • Distance: 10 miles round trip, to Johns Brook Lodge and back
  • Add 1 mile each way when South Meadows Lane is closed in the winter


This is considered a moderate trail with some steep stretches. It lets a hiker experience the lovely scenery from Adirondack Loj to Johns Brook Lodge if they wish. It is 5 miles between South Meadow and John Brooks Lodge. The top of the notch is reached in 3.4 miles from South Meadow. The trail to Klondike Notch is a very demanding one even if the beginning of it does not present itself to be so. BE AWARE, the bridge at the start is out, and you will have to either cross the water or take the cut-off trail that goes right at the parking lot, then cuts left to join the Klondike Notch Trail. At low water, there are rocks to hop across, but otherwise you will have to do some wading if you want to cross. The start of the trail heads through the low lands of South Meadow but will eventually start climbing, and at times is a bit steep.


The Klondike lean-to (roughly 2.5 miles from South Meadow) is a well kept lean-to and a great spot to camp.

Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing

Many skiers stop at the lean-to about 0.75 mile shy of the top of the notch, though warm temperatures and water crossings may be hazardous to skiers.