The Fallen Arch

  • 2537 Main Street, Lake Placid

Feet hurt? Maybe you need a new pair of treads! At The Fallen Arch you are sure to find the right footwear for your lifestyle.  Whether you're looking for shoes, boots, or gear to keep you comfortable on your feet, we have it all. 

Do you stand for long periods, jog, climb, power walk, stroll, hike or just hang out? You will find just what you need to make your feet feel fine at The Fallen Arch. Surely, Nike, Adidas, New Balance, Reebok, Sauceny, Puma,UGG, Hi-Tec or Kamik can end the agony of de feet and heel your sole.

In addition to our large selection of shoes and boots, you'll find running accessories, injury prevention needs, and swimwear for the summer months.